How was Santine born ?

Where it all started
Like for many of you, ecological awareness started in my plate, and I opted for healthier indredients that come from organic agriculture and are both seasonal and locally cultivated.
Because I care about the environment, I got involved in the « zero waste » movement in 2017, and I paid attention to the cosmetic products I was using : they had a desastrous effect, both mine and my children's skin and on the enironment (because of their petroleum-based formulae and of their plastic packaging).
What my bathroom needed that day was not just a good sweep ; along came a desire to create cosmetics myself in order to control their ingredients.
The birth of a passion
I did some research, I participated in several cosmetic fabrication workshops and underwent training as a professional soap maker in 2019.
I believe my biochemistry studies and my Masters degree in Quality Management are real assets in this occupation, in which reglementation requirements and traceability are equally important.
Creating Santine soaps allows me to combine everything I love : craftmanship, chemistry, cooking, plants and their multiple scents, and even sewing (through packaging creation).
The pride in sharing
I experimented with dozens of soaps, then I tested and adjusted them until I was happy with the results.
In these soaps lies my whole passion, and I am proud to share them with you today.